Board Committees

The SFPE President creates and assigns board committees. The following are the active board committees for 2025. 

Executive Committee

Chris Jelenewicz
Jimmy Jönsson
Amanda Kimball (Chair)
Shamim Rashid-Sumar

Finance & Audit Committee

Chris Jelenewicz (Ex-officio)
Shaun Kelly
Shamim Rashid-Sumar
Jimmy Jönsson(Chair)
Kristin Hughes  

Michael Wojcik

Governance Committee 

Bob Libby (Chair)
Albert Simoni  
Elizabeth Pennacchio
Jeff Tubbs 

Revenue Streams Task Force 

Chris Jelenewicz 
Jeff Tubbs
Shaun Kelly
Bob Libby 
Shamim Rashid-Sumar (Chair)
Michael Wojcik

Chapters Task Force 

John Frank 
John Denhardt (Chair)
Fang Li
Mark Hopkins 
Ben Fogel 
Eva Przygodski 

SFPE Foundation 

Leslie Marshall 
Peter Senez 
Mariah Marks