Fire Protection Engineering in the Fire Service

Available Resources

Fire Service FPE Job Description - This job description lists the full range of possible duties that a fire protection engineer (FPE) can provide for a fire service organization. It is the organization’s responsibility to tailor the job description by first determining which duties to include and then establishing the corresponding knowledge, abilities, qualifications, and certifications to adequately fulfill the FPE’s role within the organization. In this manner, organizations can match their needs with candidates’ capabilities.

Fire Service Considerations: A Primer for Building and System Designers PowerPoint Presentation - This presentation discusses design issues that impact first responders. The target audience for this presentation is architects, fire protection engineers, engineers from other disciplines, and system design technicians.

Articles Relevant to the Fire Service

SMART Fire Fighting,” Q3 2019 Issue #83 Fire Protection Engineering magazine

Operational Challenges in Large Wood Buildings Under Construction,” Q2 2018: Issue 78 Fire Protection Engineering magazine

Other SFPE Activities That Support the Fire Service:

Interested in joining the Fire Service Subcommittee, click here to complete the committee application. It takes less than a minute to complete.  If you are not yet a member of SFPE, click here to join.