
SFPE membership dues are $242.00 USD annually. All discounts will be applied at checkout.

Developing Country Status

SFPE offers discounted rates for members from countries that are deemed as developing by the World Bank. Specifically, members from countries whose purchasing power parity gross national income per capita are less than $35,000 receive a 25% discount and those that are $11,905 or less receive a 50% discount.

Members from the following countries are currently eligible for a 25% discount.

Algeria Antiqua & Barbuda Argentina Azerbaijan
The Bahamas Barbados Belarus Bosnia & Herzegovina
Botswana Brazil Bulgaria Chile
China Colombia Costa Rica Croatia
Cyprus Czech Republic Dominican Republic Equatorial Guinea
Estonia Gabon Greece Grenada
Hungary Iran Iraq Kazakhstan
Latvia Lebanon Lithuania Macedonia
Malaysia Maldives Mauritius Mexico
Montenegro Nauru Palau Panama
Peru Poland Portugal Romania
Russian Federation Serbia Seychelles Slovak Republic
Slovenia South Africa Sri Lanka St. Kitts & Nevis
St. Lucia Suriname Thailand Trinidad & Tobago
Turkey Turkmenistan Uruguay Venezuela

Members from the following countries are currently eligible for a 50% discount.

Afghanistan Albania Angola Armenia
Bangladesh Belize Benin Bermuda
Bhutan Bolivia Burkina Faso Burundi
Cambodia Cameroon Cabo Verde Central African Republic
Chad Comoros Congo Cote d'Ivoire
Dominica Ecuador Egypt El Salvador
Ethiopia Fiji Gambia Georgia
Ghana Guatemala Guinea Guinea-Bissau
Guyana Haiti Honduras India
Indonesia Jamaica Jordan Kenya
Kiribati Kosove Kyrgyz Republic Lao PDR
Lesotho Liberia Madagascar Malawi
Mali Marshall Islands Mauritania Micronesia
Moldova Mongolia Morocco Mozambique
Myanmar Namibia Nepal Nicaragua
Niger Nigeria Pakistan Papua New Guinea
Paraguay Philippines Rwanda Samoa
Sao Tome & Principe Senegal Sierra Leone Solomon Islands
South Sudan St. Vincent & the Grenadines Sudan Swaziland
Tajikistan Tanzania Timer-Leste Togo
Tonga Tunisia Tuvalu Uganda
Ukraine Uzbekistan Vanuatu Vietnam
Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe  


Recent Graduate

A Recent Graduate is defined as a person who has graduated from an undergraduate degree program, master's degree program, or Ph.D. program within six months of entering the workforce. Recent Graduate dues shall apply for a maximum of three years following graduation before upgrading to the full dues rate.

The recent graduate discount rate is 50% off current SFPE Membership rates. To qualify for this discount, graduates must supply proof of graduation via diploma and/or transcripts.

To apply for Recent Graduate membership, contact Ben Fogel, Membership Manager,

Retired Membership

To be eligible for Retired status, individuals in the grade of Fellow, Professional Member or Individual Member a) shall have retired from ALL professional income producing activity AND b) shall have had at least 10 years continuous membership except Student Member immediately preceding the attainment of Retired status AND c) be 65 years of age or older. The current retired discount rate is $75.00 USD. Member must submit request for Retired Membership.

Life Membership

An SFPE member shall become eligible for Life Member due's status if he/she has been a paying member of SFPE for 40 years. Life Members retain all voting status, privileges, and membership access. Prospective applicants must submit a request for Life Membership, and after a successful application, membership dues are waived in full. 

To apply for Retired or Life membership, contact Ben Fogel, Membership Manager,

* Dues rates are reviewed annually by the Board of Directors and are subject to change. Any changes will be effective upon renewal unless otherwise communicated by SFPE.